Bunk Blog Featured Blogger

Today we are pleased to introduce you to Bunk, from Bunk Blog. A dog after my own heart.

HI, my name is Bunk and I'm a black pug. It's not easy being pug, so I decided to start a blog about the pains and struggles of my life and the humans whom prevents me from doing all of the great things in life, like eating poop, destroying clothing, tearing up carpet, and causing general mayhem. In my blog, you will find many great stories about the trials and tribulations I have experienced over the first 10 months of my life as well as my insight into such important global matters like farting, pooping, and eating peanut butter (which I absolutely love with carrots).

The humans whom I let live with me somehow have been able to infiltrate my blog and put up articles about how to take care of a dog, which I find offensive since everyone know that they best way to take of a dog is by feeding them spoonfuls of peanut butter and giving endless belly rubs; however, the humans believe that things like hygiene, health, and safety are important, and have managed to include in my beloved blog.

Here are three of Bunk's favorite blog posts:

Giving: No Thanks

New Species Discovered

The Science of Dog Farts

Pop on over to Bunk Blog today to add a little Bunk to your day!

If you're interested in having your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.