Little Em & Sapphire - Foster Friday

This week's Foster Friday come from Brian at Brian's Home.

We are Lil Em and Sapphire and we were adopted from a rescue group in South Carolina four years ago. Our owner says she wants to make a lifestyle change and that does not include having kitties anymore. Guess we were really not REAL members of this family.

Our foster had a vet check us out when the rescue received us back and it was ascertained little Sapphire has an enlarged kidney! What does that mean? No one seems to know. She has no outward signs of any problem and uses the litter box and eats and drinks like a normal kitty. Me, Lil Em checked out fine. The vet told us to put Sapphire down, however I am so attached to my sister. You see, we’ve been together since the womb.

We know it is nearly impossible to find us a home, given the fact that one of us may be sick. But we are counting on Brian to do his magic and find just one loving individual out there in the blogosphere who would be willing to put their heart and love out there to keep me and Sapphire together. I’m afraid our only other option is to put Sapphire to sleep if we are not adopted together given her potential diagnosis.

We are currently loving in a garage in South Carolina where the heat index is very hot, with fans blowing. We have no other place to go. We have been with other kitties with no problem whatsoever and even a large chocolate lab who we thought was kinda neat.

Please, will you be that person to open your heart and home to keep me and Sapphire together and help us not to have to make that awful decision for Sapphire??? Please help us get our prayer answered.

If you can help, please let Brian know at brianfrum (at) gmail (dot) com.