The Thundershirt Rocks

Hello, Oskar's mom person Pam here.  Oskar has always been terrified of thunder and fireworks.  After reading about the Thundershirt, and talking to a couple of vets about it we decided to order one for Oskar.

It came after we got home from our camping trip and today I had a chance to try it out.  Here's Oskar during a loud evening of fireworks.

I cannot stress to you what an amazing thing this was for me to see.  Any thunder or firworks has always sent Oskar into a shaking fit, hiding in the bathtub or behind my chair for the duration.  In less than a minute of putting the Thundershirt on Oskar he climbed onto the couch and assumed this position.

I was thrilled to have him be able to relax instead of being scared to death.  The Thundershirt is supposed to work for everything from loud noises to seperation anxiety, & I'm here to tell you that it worked for this schnauzer almost immediately.

It's made of soft, fuzzy cotton with velcro all around so that you can put it snugly around the body.  We bought the Thundershirt ourselves and are receiving no compensation at all for this post, I just wanted to put it out there for any other dogs who may have these same type of issues.  It gets 4 paws up from this family!

*This post is re-posted from Oskar's Blog for all of our PBU members who have pets with anxiety.