Brando & Bogart - New Blogger Alert

This weeks New Blogger has some famous names, Brando & Bogart anyone?  Here's what their person Christine has to say about blogging.

How exciting this is! Thanks for giving me a chance. My pups are Marlon Brando and Humphrey Bogart. They are both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Brando is 7 months and Humphrey is 5 months. I've wanted a Cavalier nearly my whole life, but something would always happen (babies, bills, life in general), and it seemed never to be the right time to bring a puppy into our lives. My mom passed away last September. Her passing left a hole in my heart. A few months later, we were leaving our home in Chicago to move to New Mexico. It's been tough settling in, and trying to cope with my still grieving children. We needed something, or someone, to turn things around for us so, we started our search for a Cavalier. When Brando came into our lives, his love filled our empty hearts. He's oh so gentle. At the time, we were also thinking about trying our hands at agility, but as Brando's grown, he's not an agility dog. That's when Humphrey joined our family. He's like my boys. Wild, crazy, and always dirty. He plays hard, loves to fetch, a fabulous swimmer, and is eager to play with any dog. He's fearless, and he's our agility dog.

My mom's passing was completely unexpected. She only lived a few short months after being diagnosed with cancer. It's almost like a bad dream that you're waiting for someone to wake you from, but nobody ever does. Blogging has help pull me out of that nightmare. It gives me something to look forward to. At first, I thought about blogging my children. Then Brando got sick with a mysterious lump, I was besides myself. I was hoping if I blogged about him, maybe someone would have a clue what was wrong with him since vet had no idea. I wasn't even sure anybody would read it, but felt it was worth a shot. What a shock to learn there were kind souls out there who would actually read the words of a basketcase! They gave me support, and some wonderful places to look for help. Blogging is a treasure, and so are my new blogging friends. It's helped make my heart whole again.

Thanks for this opportunity!

Thank you to Christine, Brando & Bogart for sharing their story with us.  Do you know of a great new blogger who would like to be featured?  Contact us at PBU at comcast dot net.