Anyone Tweeting Out There?

My name is Pam & I am not a Twitterer.

Being behind the times as much as I am, I'm just now starting to learn more about Twitter & the ways Twitter can help deliver and send out great information.
If I had thumbs I'm sure I could do it!
But for me, the Twitterverse is a bigger, more unknown version of the blogosphere!  Baby steps, that's what I need to do, take baby steps, lol. 

Is there anyone reading this that feels like I do right now or am I alone in this boat?  And which of you are chuckling, having mastered Twitter when it came out eons ago?

How about if anyone who tweets leaves us a comment with your Twitter handle & let us newer tweeters get the hang of it by watching you veterans.

You can always follow us @PetBlogsUnited.  We'd love to follow you back!