Help is a Four-Legged Word at Canine Companions for Independence

Opening Door
Canine Companions for Independence is a national nonprofit organization that provides assistance dogs for people with disabilities completely free of charge. Established in 1975, Canine Companions has five regional training centers across the country. Canine Companions is recognized worldwide for the excellence of its dogs, and the quality and longevity of the matches it makes between dogs and people. Whether you’re an animal lover who would like to learn about service dogs, a charitable community member or a potential applicant, there are many ways to get involved in this life-changing cause.

Using a light switch.
 Canine Companions’ greatest need for volunteer assistance is in the puppy raising program. Volunteers foster future assistance dogs for the first year and a half of their lives. Thanks to the service of these volunteers and the financial support of generous donors, Canine Companions is able to provide highly trained assistance dogs to people with disabilities for free. Puppy raisers take the dogs into their hearts and homes when they are eight weeks of age. They provide basic training and ample socialization opportunities to the puppies, along with a lot of love. After 14-16 months, puppy raisers return the dogs to Canine Companions for six months of Professional Training with staff instructors. Before graduating, the dogs complete two weeks of training alongside their new human partners.

Retrieving keys.
Canine Companions assistance dogs are trained in up to 50 commands designed to make everyday life easier for adults and children with physical and developmental disabilities. They open and close doors, retrieve dropped objects, activate light switches and pull manual wheelchairs. Outside of practical tasks, Canine Companions assistance dogs provide immeasurable emotional support to their human partners. They are the best friends of children who are socially isolated because of their disabilities. They also encourage peer interaction when kids want to meet "the cool dog." In adults, Canine Companions assistance dogs inspire feelings of confidence and security, allowing them to live life to the fullest.

Come back tomorrow to hear the story of Lance & the dogs that changed his life, and on Wednesday we will have an interview with a Canine Companions puppy raiser.