Dorkiness Be Damned, I'm Going To A Dog Show!

I think you all know I'm crazy for dogs.  (Cats, too, for that matter.)  So when I got the opportunity to go to the AKC Eukanuba National Championships as one of Eukanuba's VIP Bloggers I was in heaven!

And then I got  While I was lucky enough to know most the of people who would be accompanying me, these were all dog people.  People who show dogs, people who breed dogs, people who know stuff about dog shows.  Well, there was one other in our group that I don't think is a real dog show aficionado, but she happens to be a beautiful veterinarian, who has been to the show before.  Yeah, I think she knows a little bit about dogs too.

I've never been to a dog show, much less a National Championship!  Chance of me looking like a huge dork, likely, very likely. 

Eh, I figured I'd rather be a dork at a dog show than a dork missing the dog show.  I also had the built in security of knowing that these people I had traveled with before were patient about my questions, and really just fun & welcoming people all together.

Well, I had an amazing time, tons of fun stuff to share with you & lots of pictures of cute dogs!  I learned a lot, and I still don't know about titles, and points and disqualifications, but I'm excited to share a dog show outsider's view of this great event with you over the coming weeks.