Raising Rama - New Blogger Alert

Raising Rama is a blog about the daily life of a Cane Corso pup as she grows into adulthood. It chronicles her life as a show dog, an obedience dog, aspirations to become a therapy dog and most importantly, beloved family dog. We will touch on the subject of judging on appearances, as Rama is sometimes feared because of her size and because she has cropped ears. We will also examine dog training (Mom is a former obedience instructor), feeding (Mom is also one of those kooks that makes her own dog food), basic care and grooming as well as news of note in the dog community.

Why I started this blog:

I love to write. I love dogs. I have a TON of information in my brain after working as an obedience instructor, veterinary technician and pet retail sales associate and fostering dogs for some 20+ years. Miss Rama is special. I have a feeling she will do great things. I wanted to capture her life on a day-to-day basis and give people who might otherwise not know anything about them a humorous, light-hearted glimpse into one dog's journey to becoming an ambassador for the breed.

Let's stop by & give Raising Rama a big Pet Blogs United welcome to Blogville!

If you're interested in having your pet blog featured on PBU, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.