Yuki & Rocket, Weekly Featured Blogger

This week we are happy to introduce you to 2 adorable mini schnauzers, Yuki & Rocket.  Their person is an an amazing photographer & their blog is delightful!

To say I’m a bit obsessed with my two schnauzers would be a big understatement. I love dogs, and I love talking about dogs. Combine my dog love, with my love for dog photography, and you have Yuki and Rocket the blog. The whole reason for me starting our blog was because I needed an outlet for my dog obsession. It was pretty clear to me that family and friends were getting a bit annoyed at my non-stop dog talk. Luckily for me, I discovered the pet community and have met many people who share the same type of interest for our furry ones.

Yuki was our first schnauzer who I found through a breeder out of state. I knew I eventually wanted another schnauzer and when Yuki was about 10 months old, we got Rocket through a local breeder . Both Yuki and Rocket have completely different personalities, yet they are a perfect pair. Yuki is vocal, bossy, and demanding, but is actually very shy. She needs constant attention and affection. With Yuki, you need to be one step ahead of her because she is very clever. Rocket has made it clear he has two missions in life: to eat as much food as he can and annoy Yuki as much as possible. Rocket is the big boss and likes to let every dog know it. But, with the humans he’s very submissive and so loving. He really likes meeting new humans and greets many of our guests with a big kiss. Rocket is more independent and doesn’t need the constant affection Yuki demands.

For the most part, our blog is told through my point of view. Sometimes, Yuki and Rocket will give their take on things. A big part of my posts is talking about Yuki’s and Rocket’s behavior issues. I discuss what the problem is, how they have overcome it, and what they need to work on. I really enjoy the feedback I get from fellow bloggers or fans of the blog, because I love that they can either empathize with me and/or suggest things that may help. Although, it is mainly about Yuki and Rocket, there are bits of my personality as well. I love baking and crafty stuff and I incorporate my two favorite things into dog recipes and sometimes dog crafts. The three following links I have included will give you a feel as to what we're all about. I hope you enjoy our little blog.

Here are 3 of Yuki & Rocket's favorite posts:

The New Problem

Schnauzer Tote

Pumpkin Dog Cookies

Due to some computer problems this got posted a lot later than it should have, so do me a favor & hope over to Yuki & Rocket's blog and spend some time looking around.  You won't regret it!

If you are interested in being featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.