Calling All Dog Rescuers

Announcing: A Story Contest for Just for You

Contest Information and Rules

If you have rescued a dog, you definitely have the heart for this, and you’re just the kind of person we want to hear from. Can you write a compelling story of your dog rescue experience and send it to us before September 1, 2012.

Stories should be 500-1000 words and include details of the rescue experience and present life with your pet. Though a digital photo of your pet is requested (.jpg format) to be submitted with your story, it is not a requirement to enter. A 25-word author bio may be included with the story.
From the stories entered, Servant Heart Project Publishing will select many to be included in an anthology of compelling dog rescue stories entitled Mighty Tails of Rescue. Only one story will be declared as the winner, and there is only one prize.
The prize is a donation of $50 toward his/her choice of animal shelter, a free digital copy of the dog rescue anthology, and a free digital copy of BeatingCancer, an anthology of cancer survivor stories. The winner will be announced on this blog.
Include your name, address, email address, phone number and word count of in the header of your story. Only digital submissions in a .doc or .rtf format will be read. Attachments will be accepted if in .doc, .jpg, or .rtf format. Only those 18 or older may enter.
While there will be no remuneration for entries, those whose stories are selected will receive a complimentary digital copy of the anthology. The anthology is expected to be completed by November, 2012.
Participants who submit stories to Servant Heart Project Publishing agree that their stories and accompanying photos may receive minor editing and be published with first digital and print rights. All other rights remain the property of the author. Authors also agree that Servant Heart Project Publishing may advertise or promote this anthology and that a portion of any profit will be donated to animal shelters.
Authors will receive notification via email if their stories are selected(not that their stories have been received). One story per family. Entry period officially closes at 5PM E.T. August 31, 2012.

Feel free to share this contest news with everyone and anyone, but please, no phone calls.
Note: Becky Jacoby and her family have rescued many animals. Currently, she and her husband Bob live with a rescued Labrador Retriever/Border Collie mix named Lehigh and a Boxer mix named Abigail. Both dogs healed from vehicle accidents and though they have physical scars, they eagerly share their affection.