Charlie A Love Story - Book Review

Let me start by saying that this was one of the most moving books I've ever read.

The love & devotion between author Barbara Lampert & her golden retriever Charlie is just amazing. 

As Charlie struggles through numerous health problems, he constantly strives to live life to the fullest, never wavering from his love for Barbara.

Gardening is Barbara's solace and a place where Charlie finds peace while being by his best friend.

The book is made up of diary entries that end up chronicling Barbara & Charlie's never-ending love for each other through all of his troubles.

Yes, this book will make you cry, it will make you hug your pet & remember not to take them for granted, and I promise you that you will be glad you read it.

You can read more about Barbara & Charlie at her website, Charlie A Love Story.

This is a slim book with a big impact.  If you're a pet lover, this love story is for you.

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