Today we are proud to introduce you to InDoxiNated, a new blogger on the block:
Well, my fiance and I fell in love with Doppelbock on a doxie website, and we committed to buy him. Every time I would check his picture online, I would have to scroll past the picture of Mackenzie. She looked so sad, so after a couple of weeks and as a surprise for my fiance, I purchased her as well! We brought them home when they were 12 weeks old and we had no idea what to do!
We have been learning as we have gone along, and it has been a trip. We are both used to cats so dogs are completely a mystery to us! We have to take them outside when it is super cold out, and they constantly need to be attended to. If we are holding one, we have to hold the other or we get yelled at! I decided to start blogging because not only do I want a record of our dog's lives, I want to share our journey with other pet lovers!
Stop by InDoxiNated today & welcome them to the Blogosphere! Tell 'em Oskar sent ya.
If you're interested in having your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.