A Tonk's Tale Featured Blogger

This week we get to introduce you to the gang from A Tonk's Tale, so grab your coffee & check them out.

This blog was named after Ryker, a purebred Tonkinese I rescued from a breeder who was going to euthanize him for health reasons. He first came one the scene in 2009 as @Ryker_Tyker on Twitter. This blog was created to give him a voice longer than the 140 characters Twitter allows. We lost Ryker to a sudden blood clot in November, 2010.

Our little "Waif" we rescued from Wayside Waifs on December 23, 2009. She's a Daddy's Girl (he buys roses for her, not me!) who adores her pink mani/pedi and blingy collar.

Ryker'z Boyz: Maxwell & Faraday
Maxwell is a Blue Point Siamese who came to us from a Siamese rescue. Unknown to us, he was completely deaf. We didn't care. His sweet disposition utterly charmed us! Several months of treatment and one surgery later, he now has partial hearing in one ear. Faraday? Oy vey! What to say about this bundle of energy? Faraday's a purebred Platinum Mink Tonkinese we got from a breeder who also places Tonks who have been abandoned & need to be rehomed. He yells a lot, at the top of his lungs, when he wants attention. Which is basically all the time.

I'm a director of film & video, a pilot and an avid cat lover. Volunteering at Wayside Waifs, Missouri's largest no-kill animal shelter, is my way of helping to reduce the alarming euthanasia rates of shelter cats in the U.S. I work as a cat socializer, video producer, social media advocate (& anything else they ask me to do!).

I'm married to a physicist who is also a pilot, and who also loves cats -- and keeps telling me he wants more (um, can we wait on that one for a while? Faraday's still swingin' from the rafters over here....).

It's our hope that our blog can be used to entertain, educate and help spread animal advocacy.
Here are some of their favorite links:

Cats and heartworms (an important, fairly new issue not many know about)

Less adoptable: Deaf Cats (our sweet Maxwell was completely deaf when we adopted last year & we didn't know it!)
Puppy Mills: How One Missouri Shelter is Fighting Back (part 1)

Puppy Mills: How One Missouri Shelter is Fighting Back (part 2)

Senior Cats

Stop by A Tonk's Tale today and check out all of the fun!  Tell them Oskar & Pam sent you.

If you're interested in being featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.