
Now it's time for our post about Moe. She came from an adoption event at a local pet store.  We were happy to get a shelter pet, but not as thrilled with her name, which is really Maureen.  She was here before both Chloe & Oskar and is estimated to be at 19 years old.

Moe is much more timid, and skinny, than her sister Chloe, but she does snore like a sailor!

The only other time Moe is loud is when she is meowing for cat treats.
When she get's her treat,she is done, though.
Preferring to wander back to wherever her current resting place is and try to get in some more of her 23.8 hours per day of napping time.
Moe is not big on being photographed, preferring instead to fade into the background, leaving only the sound of her snoring and her night time scratching on our wood furniture to speak for her.

As our elder statescat, she is very reserved and not one to flash her hiney-bits like Chloe.  She likes a little good catnip every once in a while, sleeping next to the space heater and biting my toes when I dare to move them in my sleep.

She has put up with a lot, including two small boys when she first came here, the introductions to a tiny, annoying Chloe & then of course the big one with a feisty schnauzer puppy named Oskar.  Moe lets everything roll off her back and just goes back to sleep.

The one fun fact about Moe is that she loves to play fetch with little gum ball machine bouncy balls, but unfortunately she can't do that often because Oskar likes to try and get the bouncy balls and he could easily choke on them.

So now you've met all of the furry members of our family.  We hope you enjoyed the introductions.