The Adventures of Gronk & Izzie - New Blogger Alert

Hello! We are Gronk and Izzie two adopted kitties in Nashville.

I'm Izzie and I was adopted when I was just young kitty. I was found pregnant and abandoned in a car. Luckily, some nice people found me and brought me to a shelter. Unfortunately, due to my trauma I did not like other kitties and had to stay in a cage! No one wanted me until my Mom and Dad came by and saved me. I quickly learned to use the toilet like a good kitty and I'm even learning some tricks with the clicker. I got over my dislike of other kitties once my parents got me a little friend. Although I do like show Gronk who is boss from time to time.

Hi I'm Gronk! I was adopted when I was just a lil' bit. I was part of a bunch of feral kittens found just after we were born. We got scooped up quick and adopted right away. I'm just about as friendly as can be. I love to snuggle and purr and then snuggle some more. I'm not quite as quick as my sister and so I'm still learning to use the potty. I do love playing, especially with the laser. I think clicker training is just the best because of the treats at the end.

We started our blog to share our adventures in toilet training, bird watching, leash walking, clicker training and other kitty foolishness with the world. We also love other kitty blogs and we are very thankful to Pet Blogs United for featuring us! We'd love to share our adventures with you!
Swing by The Adventures of Gronk & Izzie today & welcome them to Blogville!
If you would like to have your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.