Is Your Dog Destructive?

My friend over at Indestructible Dog Toys is having a cool contest & the prize is an Unbreakoball.  Here's what she's got to say about the giveaway:

Can you remember a time where your dog did something so unbelievably destructive that you couldn't be mad at him due to your admiration of the skill it took to do such a thing? If you have a memory of your dog doing something destructive, Indestructible Dog Toys wants to hear about it. They are building the largest compilation of doggie destruction tales on the internet and they need your help.

For your participation, Indestructible Dog Toys has teamed up with UnbreakOBall to offer one ball every month to the dog with the best story. If your dog doesn't win one month, submit again to be considered for the next month! Although photographhic evidence is nice, it is not required. The only thing that is required is a picture of your dog and a story to go with it. We will do the rest. Submit your story at Indestructible Dog Gear.