Friends FurEver ~ Weekly Featured Blogger

Today we get to feature of the clan from Friends FurEver.

We are 3 kitties and 2 woofies who live in Florida with our Mom and Dad. We blog daily and sometimes our Cousin Trooper, who lives with Auntie El, and our Rainbow Bridge sisfur Angel Sniffie blog with us. We moved to Florida in 1999 when our Mom met our Dad.

Our blog is called Friends FurEver because it is named after Mom and Auntie El’s business Friends FurEver.  Mom and Auntie El used to travel all over the country selling clothing, accessories and ceramics with cats on them at Cat Shows.

Mom met a Birman breeder at one of the shows and she had a “special needs” kitty who came to live with us. That kitty was Angel Sniffie.

Ellie and Allie followed a few years later. All three of the girlz are Lilac Point Birmans and Ellie has even been in cat shows!! She’s a Premier in CFA. Ellie and Allie are sisters and do all of the things sisters do! One minute they’re loving on each other and the next minute they’re having a smackdown. It’s all in good fun and they love each other.

Ellie is Daddy’s special little girl and she has him totally wrapped around her paw.

Allie loves everyone! Allie can sleep anywhere – boxes, bowls, on top of messy desks!!

Tamir is our ManCat! He came from a rescue in New Jersey. He’s a red tabby and a proud member of The Tabby Cat Club and the Gorgeous Gingers.

He’s a big guy and has a powerful purr machine. Ellie and Allie both love him (who wouldn’t?) and they both like to snooze with him and sometimes help groom him. As a gentle ManCat, he puts up with it! Tamir really loves his Mom!!

Our woofies are Cubby and Clifford. They are Pomeranians and are littermates. Cubby and Clifford are 12 years old and came to us when they were 5 and were going to be sent to the pound. They love each other and are always together. When they sleep they even have to be touching!! They’ve learned that we cats pretty much run the house and control the humans as well as the woofies!

Here are three of their favorite posts:
Easy Like Sunday With Allie

Thirsty Thursday

Two Woofies on Thursday