Clean+Green De-Skunk Coat Cleaner Review

Early in the summer I was contacted about reviewing Clean+Green De-Skunk Coat Cleaner and since I love to try products and bring them to my viewers I said sure!

I didn't really think through the fact that Oskar would have to get skunked in order for me to review it properly.  Most of the summer went by & I was feeling guilty for not reviewing this product, when wouldn't you know it, Oskar obliged me by chasing down a skunk and getting himself sprayed.

Now usually I like to have pictures to go along with my posts, but if you've ever had a dog reeking of skunk, you know that the only thing on your mind is making it not reek like skunk.

We wrapped Oskar in a towel and plunked him in the bathtub, grabbing the Clean+Green De-Skunk Coat Cleaner along the way.

We followed the directions and did not get Oskar wet before we sprayed him down with the coat cleaner.  We used a cloth to get his facial area, as directed and let him dry before we washed him.  When he was done being shampooed, we dried him off & could detect none of the skunk smell!

This product worked exactly as it said it would.

All my life we've had dogs that have run into skunks and we tried tomato juice, we tried vinegar, we tried other treatment products that were on the marked and I've never found anything that actually worked like Clean+Green De-Skunk Coat Cleaner.

If you have a pet that goes outdoors and live in an area where there may be skunks, I highly recommend that you keep a can of this around!