Baby, It's Cold Outside

Thank you to Helen Woodward Animal Center for sharing this wonderful story of pet adoption from their Most Heartwarming Story Contest. It was submitted by Burlington County Animal Alliance, an Iams Home 4 the Holidays participating organization, in 2009.

Baby Hope, as she came to be called, was put in a cardboard box that someone sealed with duct tape and left on a Philadelphia curb for trash. She was all alone, sealed in a box with no food or water for at least two days before being discovered by a Good Samaritan who noticed a slight movement to the box.

On November 13, 2009, when a Philadelphia Animal Control Officer responded to the call he found the emaciated, frightened, flea-covered pit bull mix puppy near death. No food or water - just all those fleas helping themselves to a meal of this pitiful pup.

Luck was in the stars for Baby Hope because when she was bought to PSPCA a volunteer from Burlington County Animal Alliance (BCAA), a rescue group with a long history of helping homeless pets in the Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey area was so touched by her plight she immediately took her into BCAA custody.

Cheryl B., Office Manager at Marne Veterinary Hospital fostered Baby Hope for the first two weeks. Estimated to be between 3 – 4 months old when found, Baby Hope weighed in at a measly six pounds! She was dehydrated and suffered such severe malnutrition her little belly was swollen while the rest of her body was nothing but flaky skin and bones.

Baby Hope's neck was so small Cheryl could fit the fingers of one hand around it! She had to hold her neck up to enable the puppy to eat. Baby Hope could barely walk; she collapsed after three teetering steps due to muscle wasting form starvation. Cheryl's tender loving care along with the superior nutrition of Iams got Baby Hope back to health in those first few weeks. The pup ate ravishingly which was a good sign that she hadn't given up on life yet.

Cheryl brought Baby Hope to work with her daily and within two weeks one of the patrons fell in love with the puppy. Baby Hope has a new name, Sammie, to match her new start. Sammie is now living the high life with her adoptive family, Tracie and Mark M., their children and a canine sibling named Reese, a 2 year old rescued Chihuahua that is learning how to be a puppy again after providing mellow comfort to the family's 12 year old German Shepherd who has since crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Tracie routinely searched as she knew the time was coming near to adopt a new canine into the family but never seemed to have the right timing for finding a dog she desired. When she found Baby Hope and discovered her foster mom worked at the Muir's veterinarian's office, she took it as a sign from above.

Sammie's weight continues to increase as she regains her health. She now tips the scale at a whopping 20.5 pounds; that's a 14.5 pound gain in seven weeks! Being only about six months of age Sammie has a whole lot more growing to do… Tracie continues to bring Sammie to Marne Veterinary Hospital for check-ups every two weeks and is amazed by Sammie's propensity to find Cheryl (no matter where she may be in the office) and curl up in her lap. Sammie is the lucky one because she has two moms!

Iams Home 4 the Holidays is an annual pet-adoption campaign dedicated to helping place orphaned pets into happy, loving homes. Started in 1999 by Helen Woodward Animal Center (in partnership with Iams) this is the campaign’s 14th year. Working with thousands of participating shelters and rescue organizations from around the world, the campaign has helped more than 7 million pets find loving homes. The pet adoption drive began on October 1 and runs through January 2, 2013.

To learn about how you can help get more pets adopted during Iams Home 4 the Holidays, visit and