The Elka Almanac ~ Featured Blogger

This week we are proud to introduce you to the gang at the Elka Almanac.

I started the Elka Almanac blog right before Elka turned 2. If I had to go back and do it over again, I would have started the blog sooner. I also would have taken far more puppy pictures of Elka, but managing a Doberman puppy, even a "non working drive" one, takes far more attention and energy than I had anticipated! I realized that I would talk exhaustively about Elka, training, and dogs in general, and my immediate circle of friends and acquaintances wasn't really as gung ho on those topics as I am. Meeting people online, both through message boards and through blogging, has been wonderful for my own education, and for my motivation to train Elka and try new things.

Having a dog blog is a funny thing. It's a platform politically, as I'm anti Breed-Specific Legislation, and pro support of Military Working Dogs. It's a social meeting, as I comment on other peoples' blogs and they comment on mine, and banter is exchanged in Twitter. It's also a marketing tool, as I review toys and products for Elka, showing what's worked for us, and shaking my head over pet food recalls (and sometimes the lack thereof). It's also a training ground, both for me as a novice to both the dog training world and the social networking scene, and by extension for Elka, who gets her picture taken more often than she's strictly pleased with!

I noticed early on in my Doberman ownership that reading as much as I could about training also encouraged me to be a better dog owner, and trainer. For better or for worse, I've trained Elka myself, and I find that I'm proud of her very often. We chose the Doberman breed, and then Elka, because I wanted what was touted as a smart dog, because I like big dogs, and because I like black dogs. Smart is certainly what we got! Watching Elka learn new things, and try to work out problems in that pointy head of hers, is truly a joy.

3 of my favorite posts:
How to Make a Doberman Mean

10 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong Walking Your Dog

Command Clinic: Recall Revelation

Stop by the Elka Almanac today & introduce yourself!    

If you're interested in having your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.