Pet 'Net 2012 Corbin's Post ~ Pitbull Awareness

 Pet Net Contributor
Hi.  My name is Corbin and I'm a dog.
Correction. Handsome dog.
I'm just a dog. Not "just" a dog like some people say when they toss their dog away, because in that sense, there's no such thing as "just a dog." But I'm JUST a dog. Just like any other dog. I have four legs, a wet snout, a generous tongue... However, I also have a big blocky head, a wide chest, a deep bark and a tail that could split your winter wood stack.
Why does that make me different?
I beg for treats, I can do tricks, I walk well on a leash, I snuggle on the couch, I kiss my little cousin Christopher's tiny baby feet, I can make you smile on your worst of days.... I'm goofy, I'm fun... I'm a dog.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be called a Pit Bull. If that means I can't go to PetSmart's doggie daycare, then so be it. If that means mom and dad can never move to Denver, Colorado with me, that's fine... they don't want to live there anyway. I know being called a Pit Bull means I'm a loving, loyal, funny, spunky, loving dog. Because, I AM a dog, and that's what dogs are.
Me, Corbin, the handsome dog.
But you.... you uneducated people. You call me a Pit Bull like it's a bad thing. You cross the street when you see me walking. You make comments to my mom about the vicious animal she has, while I sit nicely by her side. You refuse to meet me and change your mind. You move to the other side of the waiting room at the V-E-T-S office. You tell my mom you need to muzzle me to cut my nails because of my breed. You fear me with no reason.
Do I look scary?
I am Corbin. I am a Canine Good Citizen. I am a foster brother. I am a mind changer for those who are open enough to allow me to change their minds. I am a friend. I am a pet. I am a lover. I am a fighter for my breed. I am a Pit Bull type dog.
Foster Brother Extraodinaire
Mom and I were visiting Bethany and Avery a few months ago, there are usually a bunch of people there watching football. I was upstairs playing with my girls and getting lots of love by my furiend Molly's mom, Joann. She looked at my mom and said "Ya know... he is just the best dog. I was so afraid of pit bulls, then I met Corbin. Who could be afraid of him?"
Me & Molly. Like the heart with the rope? Yeaaaa, I'm that smooth.
Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not perfect, I'm a dog. I have flaws and my parents work with me so I'm as well behaved as possible, sometimes I forget to listen. But this statement made mom's heart melt and it's something she thinks about often. She knows Joann loves me, and I love her right back with lots of wet kisses. But she never knew Joann's view of Pit Bull type dogs before me. Joann isn't the first person to say this about me, and hopefully not the last.
Pretty close to perfect, though.
Mom often receives similar comments about our foster dogs. Remember Hannah (brindle brat baby)? Her owners fell in love with her, not because of her breed or her looks, but because she had the sweetest soul and the most loving personality. It was clear, Hannah hadn't had the best of pasts, but she was so brave and so forgiving. In a follow up email after Hannah's adoption, her new parents explained how they were a little hesitant about adopting a pit bull but they just fell in love with Hannah and knew she was their dog. Their family was a little skeptical on their choice of dogs, but it didn't take long for Hannah to change their minds.
Who couldn't love these faces?
Although we have fostered many breeds, the momma takes every opportunity she can to take in a pitty girl. Not only can we show people how wonderful the breed is while we have two in the house, but just like Hannah, we can adopt wonderful dogs into homes that will continue passing along the good word of our breed.
I've taught you all I know... now go on and charm people!
Last year I did a blog about why I blog... the importance of my blog being rescue, fostering and pit bull awareness. At that point I had 80 followers and I said if I could change 1 mind about pit bulls, 1 mind about adoption or fostering... my job would be done.
I take that back. I will not stop at 1 person. I know I can't change the world, but I'm sure as heck going to give it my best shot.

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