Sparhawk Scotties ~ Featured Blogger

This week we are featuring the crew from Sparhawk Spotties in our spotlight

Sparhawk Scottie Dogs is a blog about my 3 Scotties. Unfortunately my beloved Gus passed away on 4th July 2012 aged 13yrs & 5 months, but he remains larger than life within our blog. His wonderful brothers, Bobby & Finlay, (9 ½yrs) remain at the helm trying their very best to continue to bring joy to blogsville - they think they do all the writing ….. so lets not spoil the illusion!

Bobby & Fin try to post most days, and usually its about the morning walks they’ve been on and how much they’ve had to hang around whilst I look at wildlife. You can see Bobby & Gus very much in tune with each other as they practice their synchronized morning ablutions. After the walks, its usually a half bath to clean those muddy feet and undercarriages. They absolutely adore this and will pace around the house “herding” me until they’ve had their baths. Finlay always has to go first, followed by Gus, and then I have to hunt around for Bobby as he’s not so keen. You can see how much they love being wrapped up after their half baths!

We used to holiday in Scotland several times a year and the boys (and girls at that time) came along too. This picture of Bobby, at rest, with his “saddle bag” on (he carries the ‘poo’ - yes he loves his job!) is one of my favourite and I often use it for gravatars and such like.

However, another wonderful photo of Bobby was taken quite by accident - he loves to sleep under the settee; so when he was moving around under there, my husband popped the camera under and took this shot - we think its fabulous!

I was fortunate enough to retire at an early age from work 5 years ago and am able to spend practically all my time with my Scotties. I’ve started drawing scotties in Charcoal, but I’m still a novice, it’s extremely therapeutic and it gets me out of doing the housework!

I’ve only been blogging for a couple of years and the doggie/blogging friends we’ve made are marvelous  They are so warm-hearted, friendly, helpful and supportive. Never a growl, snarl or bite, they just want to share funny and exciting snippets with you. So thank you Pam and Oskar for all your endeavours trying to bring more of us together!

Our three favourite posts:
Tuesday Tantrum
Wound-up on Wednesday!
That is NOT my Name 

Stop by & say hi to Bobby & Finlay at Sparhawk Scotties & tell 'em Oskar sent you.

If you would like to have your pet blog featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.