A Dog Named Muffin ~ New Blogger Alert

Just wait until you meet Muffin the Shis-Tzu from A Dog Named Muffin.  He will steal your heart!

My name is Muffin and I am turning 4 this year! I am a male Shih-Tzu and people think I am small but I have a big personality! I had been with my humans since I was 3 months old... Mum says I have grown a lot since then. I have many toys... so much so I even dedicated a post to them here! I love sleeping, welcoming my humans coming home and when Mum brushes my fur. My most effective way to get food is to look as cute as possible!

I started blogging in the first place because I wanted to share my life with other dogs (and their humans, of course!) I got to know a lot of other fellow doggy bloggers too! :D Life as a dog can be very interesting sometimes, you know! :) Hint: TREATS, WALKS, TREATS, WALKS. I used to have another by the same name, but for some reason, the pictures all disappeared :( But I decided to get back into blogging just last December. I try to find to blog whenever mum has time... unfortunately, schoolwork is getting in the way. I try to blog at least once a week, though! Hoping to get to know more animal bloggers! :)

Stop by to visit Muffin today!