For Remington

All too often in Blogville we have to deal with the passing of a dear blogging friend.  We don't usually dwell on these painful issues here on Pet Blogs United, but we felt we had to make an exception in this case.
The Life & Times Of Remington
A tumor was found on Remington's tongue and after surgery there was celebration as it was initially thought to have been harmless. Remington's people Beth & Mike were ecstatic.

Unfortunately their joy was very short lived when the news came today that the tumor was in fact a very aggressive form of cancer.  It seems there are no treatments that will help, the only available options would be painful and of little use.

Beth and Mike have made the heartbreaking decision to let Remington live out the rest of his days as joyfully and free of pain as possible, without the invasive treatments.

This is a wonderful family, and if you currently don't follow them, we would urge you to do so to support them through this heartbreaking ordeal.

We love you Remington, Beth & Mike!

While we're at it we want to mention a couple of other friends in need of prayers & good wishes right now.  Please stop by to see Asta, and Rusty to send them your best.