Now Oskar Wants A Subaru!

After watching the success that Grant Weber has had selling Subarus, Oskar has decided that our trusty mini-van is not up to his level of comfort and is now demanding a Subaru!

Being a Miniature Schnauzer, Oskar doesn't shed, but Subaru is ready for those pets who do.
As a veteran road traveler, Oskar's comfort must be seen to at all times, lest he make his unhappiness known to all withing whining distance.  Truth be told we don't take many vacations where Oskar can't go with us, because the family just isn't the same without him.
Subaru has a vehicle for any breed.  Grant Weber demonstrates that in the above video.

I can't wait for you to check out their Facebook App. We'll be sharing more about that in a future post.  It's full of loads of fun stuff for you and Fido, (or Fluffy if you prefer.  Cats love Subaru too, of course.)  Subaru. Dog Tested. Dog Approved. TM

This post is sponsored by Subaru. We are being compensated for helping spread the word about the Dog Tested. Dog Approved.™ campaign, but Oskar & I only shares news for things we support.