The Hamster Diaries ~ Featured Blogger

Today we are featuring the fuzzies of The Hamster Diaries.

I have always had hamsters when growing up as a kid. They might just be little rodents to some people but to me any pet, no matter how big or small, is a part of the family and hamsters are no exception. I got Dexter, my male Syrian hamster, in May of this year and started my blog a few days after that. I wanted to share the journey of owning a hamster, the taming, the playing, the toys and treats, the stories and adventures, everything!
After not having hamsters for a few years, I decided I really wanted a little companion again. After a trip to the pet shop, I fell in love with little Dexter! He has big, black eyes and they were just staring at me from inside his cramped pet-shop home. One look and he was mine! He is a very slim hamster as he is incredibly athletic. He runs on his flying saucer for up to 6 hours straight, with nothing more than a quick water break or to listen to exciting noises from outside his cage! :D
Eve joined the crew a few weeks later. I had never owned a female hamster before as had heard rumours about their tempers, but Eve is a very sensitive and quiet hamster. In July of this year, Eve gave birth to a litter of 13 beautiful babies (Dexter's babies). She wasn't quite the natural mother we had hoped for and after a struggle to cope with 13 hungry pups, she abandoned the nest after a spate of tragic deaths within the litter. With just 6 babies remaining a vet intervention was needed and our worst nightmare was realised. The pups were dying due to a liver defect, causing them to swell up with yellow tummies. 3 pups had to be put down and hand-rearing began immediately for the last 3 survivors. Heartbreakingly, the pups were just too young to cope without their mother and they passed away over the next 7 days. Eve has not been quite the same hamster since that tragic loss but slowly she is getting back to her playful and bubbly self!
In mid-August, Casper became the final member of my little hamster family. He is pure white but not quite albino as his eyes are black. Casper is a very unique hamster and we only have very recently found out why he is so different. Casper is deaf! He has absolutely no hearing at all. This makes it really easy for him to sleep anywhere and everywhere. He falls asleep mid run on his flying saucer, on the way to his food bowl and even whilst on his way to get a drink. Its very sweet and I always snap a picture of him in his crazy sleep positions! :D

These three get up to so much mischief I always have something to post about! On my blog I not only write about what my 3 hamsters have been up to, I also review toys and treats, I post pictures and videos of them in action, I post guides to hammy arts and crafts, I make and sell custom-designed pet shoulder bags, I run competitions and prize-giveaways and I even answer questions and concerns of other hamster owners!

My 3 favourite posts must be:
On Your Marks, Get Set, Roll!
All three hamsters in their balls, causing havoc on my living room floor!!

 Welcome To The World Baby Hamsters
This was my first post after the babies were born. This post has the first pictures, the first video and the first impact that the litter of babies had on me. Its also a beautiful reminder of what I had once - I miss all 13 babies but their over that rainbow bridge now.

My Narcoleptic Hamster Casper is not really narcoleptic, he's just a sleeping beauty! But this post can't help but make me smile because I put the pictures of him sleeping in all sorts of positions in this post. He is such a cutie! A sleepy one ;D hehe

Stop by The Hamster Diaries today and get to know this fun group.