Troublin' Times ~ Featured Blogger

Happy Saturday!  Meet the gang from Troublin' Times: Hello, kitties and woofies! This was Callie and Sassy, but as soon as I said “woofies”, Sassy went and hid under the bed! I will tell you about me first and maybe she will be out soon.
 I am Callie, a fabulous two year old calico girl kitty. I am lucky enough to be the girlcat friend of the brave and handsome Kozmo of the Cat From Hell blog. Isn’t my Sweet Ba-Boo just the most wonderful? I lead a very busy life – I am a singer, high fashion model, presidential advisor, and anything else my imagination can come up with! As you can tell, I also love using the exclamation point! I love, love any kind of bling-bling. Tiffany’s is my ideal of heaven! Every Friday, I sing one of my special songs, remade over to fit kitties everywhere.
 One of my most popular was a remake of the hip-hop song “U Can’t Touch This“ by MC Hammer. You can find it here: Friday Songs By Callie I also have many wild adventures. Mommie accuses me of exaggerating for some reason, but whatever! One of my adventures was the terrifying trip to the vet Sassy and I had to take last year. You can find it here: My Visit To The Vet.  Okay, it looks like Sassy has crawled out from under the bed now, so I will turn this over to her.
  Hello everyone, I am Sassy, the tortured sisfur of the Spotted Airhead, Callie. Here is my sad story. Mommie adopted me seven and a half years ago. I had five wonderful years of just me and her. Then, one tragic day, my Mommie lost her mind and decided I was lonely and needed a “sisfur”. Enter the Spotted Airhead.
 I am the sane cat around here. I do not wail and screech every Friday or talk endlessly about bling-bling and “sweet ba-boo” (gag!). I think deep thoughts most Mondays, called my Monday Musings. You can read one here: Monday Mornings With Sassy: Stupid Human Sports. Although I have had some flirtations, I do not have a steady mancat. And I can promise that if I ever do, I will never call him “Sweet Ba-Boo!”  The picture below is one of the few pictures Mommie has of Callie and I together. Normally I do allow her stinky furs to touch mine. 
 Our blog is Troublin' Times. We would love a visit from you!  (Sorry that the spacing on this is all wonky, Blogger is not being friendly right now!)