acd6pack ~ Featured Blogger

Today we are proud to feature the special group known as the acd6pack!

The acd6pack is just that. A pack of six rescued and special needs Australian Cattle dogs. I suppose that I should re-name it acd6pack + one since we recently added a mix breed puppy! (not sure what kind of a mix, she just keeps getting bigger)

The pack is Callie, Bill, Hiker, Brook, Forest, Azule and Breeze. Life with seven dogs is sometimes busy and when you factor in one being deaf, three blind, a neglected now one year old and add two more, well, we have lots of fun!

People often wonder where the dogs are kept, if they are kenneled outdoors. Never! I always say that if I wanted yard ornaments I'd get a plastic pink flamingo. At our home, dogs are a part of the home and while they are crated when alone, they otherwise have the freedom to be wherever they want. This means that the couch gets crowded, the bed gets crowded, there are toys all over the floors and dogs often under foot but I'd not change it for anything!

The pack are just like other dogs except that some have vision, some don't, some can hear and some can't. They all enjoy being outside, going for walks, going hiking, camping, backpacking and swimming.

The best advice I got was from our veterinarian when I adopted Hiker, my first blind dog. The vet said, "Laugh at her. If you don't, you'll feel sorry for her and she won't do anything." Since I am not the "oh, you poor little thing" type, I agreed. Within a few months, Hiker was off on a backpacking trip with two other dogs. We had a great time and have not stopped the adventures.

By creating the blog, my hope is that people will read about the dogs and what it's like having a pack but more importantly, how rescued dogs and those that are labelled as special needs are just dogs that need and deserve love and a home.

Here are three of their favorite blog posts:
#BTC4A - Rescues Are Best
Three Blind Dogs
Family Portrait

As you can see acd6pack is a special group, so stop on by and tell 'em howdy!

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