Up, Up & Away to #BlogPaws

I'm going to BlogPaws AGAIN badge
I'm getting ready to take off to the airport for BlogPaws.  Will I see you there?

I'm going to try sending lots of Instagram photos out, you can follow me on Instagram at Phoerauf.

I'll also be tweeting, hopefully, and you can follow me there on @PetBlogsUnited.

I'm really excited about is meeting Kevin (MeowMeowMans) & his wife Tracy from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life.  We've been blogging buddies forever and meeting people that I've known through the blogosphere is my favorite part of BlogPaws.

I'm not taking my laptop, so there probably won't be any BlogPaws related posts while I'm gone unless I can find a way to post from my Kindle Fire.

Watch next week for all of the BlogPaws recaps!

Once again, if you haven't done it yet, please take a moment to fill out our reader survey.  It will help Pet Blogs United be the best blog we can possibly make it.