Sweet Purrfections ~ Featured Blogger

Today we're happy to introduce you to Truffle & Brulee from Sweet Purrections.
Truffle, Paula & Brulee
We're Truffle and Brulee from Sweet Purrfections. We live in the deep South in South Carolina. Mom Paula began our blog in July 2011. She's actually been blogging since June 2007 when she first started blogging with Sweet Praline. Sweet Praline went to the bridge in April 2011 from cancer at 15 years of age. Mom Paula knew she wanted Persians again and after a couple of months, she found us.
Beautiful Shading
We're Silver Shaded Persians and we belong to Mom Paula. Our fur is white with "silver tips" and is cottony soft. What you may find interesting is that Silver Shaded Persians are born dark and start turning white as they get older. Silvers have green to blue-green eyes and the full color isn't present until a couple years of age. Females only weigh between 5 to 7 pounds as adults. The cats on the Fancy Feast commercials are Silver Shaded Persians.
Truffle with Bed Head
Truffle was born on June 2, 2011. Her registered name is Crystalpurrs Truffle Blanche. Truffle came to live with Mom Paula in September 2011. Truffle has more silver in her fur and has a black nose. Truffle has big beautiful eyes, but can be a little stinker. She wants to eat anything Mom Paula is eating and is constantly getting into mischief. One of our favorite blog posts about Truffle was a video of her enjoying her pet fountain.
She just kept putting her head under the water trying to get to it and did this for several minutes. In fact, this video was featured in the first segment of the Friskies Awards recently. Since Truffle was born in the Charleston, SC area and is very much the regal Southern Belle ladycat, Mom Paula hosted a Debutante Ball for her 1st birthday. We had kitties from all over the world to come to the ball and a great time was had by all.
Brulee is a half-sister to Truffle (have the same daddy cat). Brulee was born on August 27, 2011 and came to live with Mom Paula in November 2011. Brulee's registered name is Crystalpurrs Creme Brulee. Brulee has a flatter face and a cute little red nose. She's a little bigger than Truffle, but can be so funny. Mom Paula calls her a little clown. When Mom Paula was deciding on a sister/brother for Truffle, she thought she should find a calmer kitten since Truffle was always into everything. The breeder told Mom Paula that Brulee was quiet and shy.
Pretty Girls
Brulee won over Mom Paula on her visit to the cattery with her cute little flat face. A couple of weeks later, Brulee came out of her shell and became quite the active kitty. We received a video from the breeder showing Brulee taking over a shelf and going crazy. We shared this video at Brulee's Circus Birthday party post. Brulee hasn't been shy since.

We've hosted the Secret Paws activity on the Cat Blogosphere for the past two years. It's a lot of fun to meet new furriends and to see the happiness this little exchange brings to others.

Please stop by Sweet Purrfections & check out these two beautiful girls!