Things are starting to slowly get back to normal around here and we are glad to again be bringing you weekly Featured Bloggers.
Say hello to Emma!
I am Debucher Baguette, a Grand Basset Griffon Vendeén, but being more of a no frills kind of girl I prefer to go by Emma the GBGV. In case you wonder that that GBGV really means, the Grand refers to our size in the whole group of BGV hounds, Basset refers to our shorter legs, Griffon to our coat and Vendeén is the area of France where the breed originated – basically a French Scent Hound.
I was born on September 11, 2006 at Clipperdown Cottage in England. When I was 9 weeks old my new mom flew to England to pick me up. I flew back to Germany with her and was still small enough to fit under the seat so I was with her the whole time. When I was about 10 months old, we packed up the family and moved to Minnesota in the USA.
We have been living in Minnesota since July 2007. I have a great house with a decent sized fenced yard, a wonderful big sister, Katie, a Kuvasz that is 4 years older than me and I have 2 cats that we adopted in the fall of 2008 when Bert was about 3 and Sophie about 1 yr old.
I love to have fun and do have fun most of the time. I love to get all dirty and messy, hate to get groomed, love watching, chasing and hunting squirrels, rabbits and other small critters but most of all I enjoy just being a wild and crazy girl with lots of snuggle time especially with my mom!
My blog is all about me and my life and making my readers laugh and smile.
Here are Emma's 3 favorite posts:
Go Emmadog Go
Library visit
Baking with Emma
Stop by My GBGV Life today & say hello to the lovely Emma!
If you're interested in being featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.

Say hello to Emma!
I am Debucher Baguette, a Grand Basset Griffon Vendeén, but being more of a no frills kind of girl I prefer to go by Emma the GBGV. In case you wonder that that GBGV really means, the Grand refers to our size in the whole group of BGV hounds, Basset refers to our shorter legs, Griffon to our coat and Vendeén is the area of France where the breed originated – basically a French Scent Hound.
I was born on September 11, 2006 at Clipperdown Cottage in England. When I was 9 weeks old my new mom flew to England to pick me up. I flew back to Germany with her and was still small enough to fit under the seat so I was with her the whole time. When I was about 10 months old, we packed up the family and moved to Minnesota in the USA.
We have been living in Minnesota since July 2007. I have a great house with a decent sized fenced yard, a wonderful big sister, Katie, a Kuvasz that is 4 years older than me and I have 2 cats that we adopted in the fall of 2008 when Bert was about 3 and Sophie about 1 yr old.
I love to have fun and do have fun most of the time. I love to get all dirty and messy, hate to get groomed, love watching, chasing and hunting squirrels, rabbits and other small critters but most of all I enjoy just being a wild and crazy girl with lots of snuggle time especially with my mom!
My blog is all about me and my life and making my readers laugh and smile.
Here are Emma's 3 favorite posts:
Go Emmadog Go
Library visit
Baking with Emma
Stop by My GBGV Life today & say hello to the lovely Emma!
If you're interested in being featured on Pet Blogs United, drop us a line at PBU at comcast dot net.