Today we are happy to feature a horse blogger. The Zephyr Files will leave you wanting more!
Narrated (with beautiful photographs) by a ‘pretentious’ foal (Zephyr) with a phoney french accent, this is an extremely silly blog which started with the birth of Lord LubbaDuck AKA Zephyr Moo, a beautiful buckskin NZ bred foal.
Photographed nearly every day, doing what foals do while his ‘Uzzer Muzzerr’ (Cathy Dee) recovers from a bunch of broken bones, the diary wrote itself. Zephyr’s ‘Muzzerr,’ his Uncle, ‘Le Sheeps’ and various cats and dogs also make appearances.
THE ZEPHYR FILES BLOG DISCLAIMER: In the unlikely event that you are caused to laugh while reading The Zephyr Files, even if it is because of something unconnected with the content of the web site, readers are advised to laugh in moderation.
Laughing persons should take special care to ensure that their sides remain intact and should urgent medical attention if any signs of splitting develop. Do not read The Zephyr Files if either you or a relative has previously died from laughing.
Here are three of their favorite posts:
The auspicious arrival of Lord LubbaDuck
Basket Weaving – In which His Lordship takes up a new hobby
Meeting ‘Le Uncle’ up Close – The first time ‘Le Uncle’ was allowed near His Lordship
Take some time today & stop by The Zephyr Files. Tell them Pam & Oskar sent you!

Narrated (with beautiful photographs) by a ‘pretentious’ foal (Zephyr) with a phoney french accent, this is an extremely silly blog which started with the birth of Lord LubbaDuck AKA Zephyr Moo, a beautiful buckskin NZ bred foal.
Photographed nearly every day, doing what foals do while his ‘Uzzer Muzzerr’ (Cathy Dee) recovers from a bunch of broken bones, the diary wrote itself. Zephyr’s ‘Muzzerr,’ his Uncle, ‘Le Sheeps’ and various cats and dogs also make appearances.
THE ZEPHYR FILES BLOG DISCLAIMER: In the unlikely event that you are caused to laugh while reading The Zephyr Files, even if it is because of something unconnected with the content of the web site, readers are advised to laugh in moderation.
Laughing persons should take special care to ensure that their sides remain intact and should urgent medical attention if any signs of splitting develop. Do not read The Zephyr Files if either you or a relative has previously died from laughing.
Here are three of their favorite posts:
The auspicious arrival of Lord LubbaDuck
Basket Weaving – In which His Lordship takes up a new hobby
Meeting ‘Le Uncle’ up Close – The first time ‘Le Uncle’ was allowed near His Lordship
Take some time today & stop by The Zephyr Files. Tell them Pam & Oskar sent you!